Smallest realized dinosaur found preserved in amber

Everybody used to consider dinosaurs as giant lizards, yet researchers presently believe these animals were significantly more bird-like, and some of them were little. A new species of dinosaur has been found in Myanmar caught in a block of fossilized amber. This 99-million-year-old specimen was about the size of a bee hummingbird, making it the…

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A ‘social network’ may have associated stable sea animals

Stationary populaces of Earth’s soonest creatures may have been associated with long filaments in a 500 million-year-old example of a social network, researchers say. The filaments were found in fossils of marine animals called rangeomorphs in eastern Newfoundland, as indicated by a report published in the journal Current Biology. Rangeomorphs lived somewhere in the range…

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Researchers discover oldest-known fossilized digestive tract at 550 million years of age

A 550 million-year-old fossilized digestive tract found in the Nevada desert could be a key find in understanding the early history of creatures on Earth. Over a half-billion years prior, life on Earth was involved in simple ocean organisms unlike anything living in the present oceans. At that point, starting around 540 million years prior,…

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Europe must follow up on intensive farming to spare wildlife, researchers say

The EU’s common agricultural policy (CAP) ought to be updated critically to stop the intensification of farming practices that are leading to a steep decrease in wildlife, researchers from over the bloc have encouraged. Five associations representing in excess of 2,500 specialists have written to Ursula von der Leyen, the incoming president of the European…

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Indoor Plants Are Meaningful for 2 Life-Changing Reasons, Study Finds

It might come as a shock, however air contamination levels inside are quite often higher than outside, even in occupied downtown areas. Much all the more astounding is that indoor plants can moderate abnormal amounts of most airborne contaminants. Ventilation frameworks always “invigorate” structures with air from outside after a filtration procedure that expels some…

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