Seeing people who just want to lose a couple of pounds waste their hard-earned money on products that will not help them at all is a sad sight. A new patented product is able to help you shed off those extra pounds without having to maintain those impossible diets. The lifestyle company, Limitless, has released…

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Best Keto Diet by Keto Trim

Stop cutting out the carbs to lose weight and start cutting out the weight without the hassle. There is now a new way to start losing weight instantly without having to stick to keto-friendly meals. The lifestyle/ health and wellness company, Limitless, created a product that could take away pounds of fat as well as…

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Apple sets more clear guidelines for coronavirus-related applications

Apple has been taking action against coronavirus-related applications for days, yet now it’s explaining exactly what it will accept on the App Store. The tech giant has posted an update explaining its rules for COVID-19 application submissions, and they’re severe. The developers presenting applications ought to be “recognized entities” like government bodies, institutions (educational and…

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Facebook’s most recent experimental application looks a great deal like Pinterest

Facebook (FB) has quietly released a new application called “Hobbi,” which permits clients to spare photographs of projects and exercises they’re interested in, much like Pinterest permits clients to bookmark or “pin” content. Like Pinterest, Hobbi focuses on lifestyle topics, for example, cooking, home topics, and do-it-without anyone’s help projects. As indicated by the description…

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Facebook launches tool to give clients a chance to transfer photographs and videos to Google Photos

In its heyday, Facebook was the go-to social media platform for anybody hoping to associate with companions online. Nearly everybody people knew had a Facebook account and it was the most effortless approach to interface with new individuals without giving out their phone number. Despite the fact that the numbers propose that Facebook is as…

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